

Peetri 7-32, Tallinn, Estonia on the map

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Martti Muttik

General Manager, Recruiter

Martti has been sailing the seas since 2007 from AB position up to Master. He studied at Maritime College and Maritime Academy, additionally studied programming at Estonian IT College, where he founded one of the biggest recruitment platforms in Europe. As a long time seafarer and employee Martti’s motto is: “Employees are the most valuable assets an organization has”.

Gert Liesment

Deputy Manager, Recruiter

Gert’s maritime career started back in 2003, working himself up from an employee to employer, manning the most difficult type of vessels – tugs. Has been dealing with recruitment over 15 years. Gert’s motto: “If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your clients".

Mihkel Šesterikov

Crew Coordinator

Mihkel is a professional seafarer and sailor, he studied at Estonian Maritime Academy and has been working mostly as Deck Officer. He started sailing when he was 6 and is the youngest Captain of the Muhu Väina Regatta. He joined Nordcrewing in 2023 and main responsibility is to assess the candidacy and keep a sharp eye for the documents and certificates of our valuable employees.

Olivia Bartoszek


Olivia has been associated with the maritime industry since 2020, when she began studying Navigation at the Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland. In 2021 she became seafarer and has been working for Nordcrewing mostly on Ro-Pax vessels. She joined Nordcrewing office in 2024 and is managing employees in Poland.

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